1) Spiritually dangerous. If your family member or friend are involved with this group- PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM. Ask others to pray with you. Pray and fast that God Himself would open their eyes and deliver them! There is probably some sort of check in your own spirit that something is "off." Yes, it is.
2) Not a five fold ministry- but a one fold ministry. It is Nicolaitan, even as it teaches against the Nicolaitan system. There is no opinion operating there that goes against David. The one time true elders attempted to bring correction to David, in public, in July 2011, they were refused. And at that time, three elders left UBM.They have since repented of partaking and promoting false doctrine. ( Email me for contact info. They are not involved in this website personally, however.)
3) Evil treatment of dissenters, critics, and ex-UBMers.
- They are slandered on the radio and UBM website.
- They are shunned by former friends.
- Personal counseling emails are used to destroy the character of the witnesses, which is such a horrible abuse of confidence. I have found out that several of the people publicly crucifed during the UBM radio broadcasts are actually solid Christians....and in fact, victims of a wicked smear campaign. They have email proof of threatening, bullying, and intimidating emails. Jesus said To bless those who curse you. Bless them and curse them not. It is spiritual witchcraft to speak and say word curses over anyone...believers, non-believers, even enemies. It is an unclean spirit that does that.
4) Spiritual control through fear of falling away, fear of becoming a Judas or a Jezebel.
5) Implication that if you leave UBM- you are no longer a Christian. This is the biggest and most dangerous part of the delusion. This false teaching keeps people yoked to a deceptive, and fallen away organization.
6) Many and consistent failed dates of judgment. From July 2010- September 2011 there was the teachings about Planet X coming...it of course, it did not. This is one in a long list of failed prophesies.
7) Reliance on dreams, instead of the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthian 14 speaks of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These will always be ignored and discounted
if they contradict or rebuke David. While at UBM, you will receive the same religious spirit, receive many many dreams that agree with David. If you refuse this spirit, renounce it, and cast it out. The lying dreams will stop.
8) It is simply not what it appears to be. The image does not match the reality. Some UBMers know that, and are more guilty. Most, do not, and would not believe it. They would prefer to discredit the messenger.
And this is what Israel did, while in apostasy. They would kill prophets of God sent to bring rebuke.
Come out from among them and be ye separate.
9) One of the strongest elements of the deception, is the multitude of supernatural signs, wonders and "confirmations" to confirm the message, anointing, and 'apostleship" of David Eells. The signs are real...and if you get involved, they will probably happen to you. However, Jesus warns against LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS. A Lying sign and a lying wonder, is a supernatural event that confirms- gives evidence to- and supports- a lie.
10) Reliance on divination, numerology, and astrology.
In order to hear from God, we were taught to open our bibles, put our fingers down at random, and receive a voice from the Lord in this manner. I now believe this is a form of divination. Why do we need these devices when we have the Holy Spirit who speaks to our spirit? Why do we look for number so to speak to us? I was seeing 10:44 and 11:44 all of the time, and this was supposed to "confirm' that I was part of the Bride.
Saints, this is paganism. We do not see the church in the Book of Acts using these methods to hear from God and receive His guidance. After the Holy Spirit is poured out in Acts chapter 2, we no longer see the church using lots, to make a decision.
If you are an intercessor, pray against Jezebel, witchcraft, control, and spiritual pride.
I praise God for the people He will set free!!
There but the grace of God go I.
I write and warn, in a spirit of grace and love. I was once in your shoes, and by grace I have been set free. It was a free gift of God the deception and delusion that I was happily feasting on. And \the idols in my heart that brought me there. I was granted repentance. Hallelujah!!!
I have now seen and experienced a deception that could deceive "even the elect." This gives me fear of the Lord and appreciation for grace. I also have a strong incentive to not judge or accuse people, but rather to warn against spirits, ideas, and structures that the enemy to enslave.
The greatest desire of my heart is for everyone affiliated with UBM, from the head to the feet, to be set free.
My dad got sucked into UBM cult in September of 2011. Left my mom (of 40 years) and my entire family to move to Stillwater, TN with to "do God's work" with David. I completely agree with everything you are saying.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your situation. May God use it for good in your life and the life of your parents. (Romans 8:28) He can set people free and open blind eyes. He did for me.
Deleteyou got a lot of vague accusations going on there,
ReplyDeleteTrying to be as clear as possible actually. GBU. :)
DeleteYour arguments are very vague and have no biblical support. I have witnessed casting lots work in my life, don't tell me that they arn't in use for today because that is a lie. is god limited in his power for signs? certainly not!
ReplyDeleteIn the New Testament there is no need to cast lots. We have the Holy Spirit who speaks to us. You don't see casting lots in the NT except in one case- choosing a new apostle. Gideon was under the Old covenant...but in ours, you pray and you can hear God answer. My sheep hear my voice... This is not to say that you are not his sheep- I pray and hope you are (and that is for God to decide anyways.) But look in the book of Acts...how did the Holy Spirit lead the people? Through prophesy...words of knowledge, words of wisdom...etc. I believe casting lots is a form of divination similar to the magic 8 ball. It is occultic. Yes I did it too...repented- and now I do hear the Lord more clearly. Not an audible voice, but the Lord will quicken verses to my spirit, or I may hear a word of knowledge...and what I hear- I must test with the Word. Where is it leading me...? To fear? To condemnation? To accusing others? If so, that voice must be refused...it is another spirit. HTH
DeleteThe casting of "lots" is seen in Acts 1:26 to decide the next apostle to replace Judas who had committed suicide and went to hell fire which is the final destination of all who commit suicide (Matthew 27:3-8; Acts 1:16-19; 1 John 3:15; Revelations 21:8). It is only in Acts 2 onwards that we read about the infilling of the Holy Spirit who is supposed to be our comforter, guide, advocate, teacher, intercessor, sanctifier, source of power etc.(John 3:5-8,14:26, 15:26,16:8, 13-15; Acts 1:8; Romans 8:14,16,26-28, 15:19; Galatians 5:18; Matthew 4:1; Luke 4:1,14, 24:49; Titus 3:5; Jude 1:20 etc.). So naturally the apostles had to use a "lot" to determine God's will because they could not be led by the Holy Spirit because the promise of the Holy Spirit was not given to them in Acts 1! We don't read of lots, fleecing etc. after Acts 2 but now we read of dreams, open/close visions, inner/audible voice, prophesy, words of knowledge and wisdom, etc.(Acts 2:17,5:2-4,8:23,29,9:3-6,10:19,11-13,21:11; Book of Revelations etc.). Today, we are all kings and priests and those who are sons of God are led by the Spirit of God just like Jesus (Revelations 1:6; Romans 8:14; John 10:27-28). Do you see Jesus casting lots, fleecing, interpreting external signs, creating doctrines through dreams, visions and revelations fanatically? Only those who don't have a close relationship with Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit will not be able to hear His voice! Besides, God CANNOT LIE so whatever is AGAINST the truth found in His Word or whatever dream, vision, prophesy, word of knowledge/wisdom, doctrine that goes AGAINST God's Word and does not come to pass originated from Satan who is the FATHER of LIES (Hebrews 6:18; John 8:44,17:7; Mathew 24:3-5,10-11;Deuteronomy 18:20-22). So those who always give false prophesy, dreams, visions, revelations etc. have another Jesus, Spirit and Gospel leading them for the simple fact that God CANNOT LIE (2Corinthians 11:4; Galatians 1:8-9). If you are not led by the Spirit of TRUTH than you will be led by the Spirit of ERROR sent by God because you loved not the truth and that is why you will see false signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, visions that did not originate from God manifesting (1John 4:1-6; 2Thessalonians 2:10-13)!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDavid will accuse you of questionable sins or faults, and expects you to repent or change your mind. How can you repent or lie about something you are falsely accuse of? Like stealing meat or cans of fish, the brethren already ate months ago, tools that were use or loan to others, and not returned, house keys that or stolen when 3 other brethren lived in same rented house. Not doing a righteous Mat. 18:15-17; claim a threat to strike him, where is the turn cheek command done? David threaten to have a person arrested. David did not do the words of Jesus in Mat. 18:17; witness by church members. The majority members went along with David's answer, the brother did not repent. There was no gaining of a brother or hearing. The brother had to repent to what all David was claiming. No words claim by David was established, the other two witnesses were partial to David's claims. They put on a united front with David. No reconcilation or forgiveness from David. It was David's way or out of way, outside UBM. You are either forgiven or not forgiven by David, like a Catholic priest going by in John 20:23;
ReplyDeleteDavid is at fault. He controls the information and manipulates the brethren. He believes only the mature or official elders can only judge or make decisions. David fails to teach brethren to rightious judgely like Jesus Christ said to do. If you speak or write the truth David will twist the matter around to you. He did not do Mat.18:15-17: righteously before God and the local UBM brethern assemble meeting on Friday April 19, 2013. This convinced me David was not really a God fearing leader, and the subordinate leader Paul just went along with David's decisions without correcting David. David claim Michael did not repent. To repent on matters not true is lying before God anyway. No gaining a brother, no turning a cheek or forgiveness, no all words actual established. Faults of matters like food missing, when food was eaten by the brethren living in the same house, tools missing when brethren use tools among each other, keys to house missing, when all brethern shoukld have a key already. This is what you can expect in a cummune type living together in local UBM ministry.
ReplyDeleteThankfully- leaving UBM is not "out of the way" but you sure feels like that while you're in it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. I hope the Lord continues to give you light and understanding about what is going on.
A friend
I was in the local UBM in TN two times. The first time David E. did not speak all things to us in truth, read 2 Cor.7:14; David did not reveal the behind scenes, and what he wanted done by the elders below him. I was in the men's fellowship before the July 2011 meeting. We raised our hands up to go along with David. Because me where control and manuipulated to do so. I am thankful God had a former elder give his witness testimony. I am a witness to matters that happen during my 2nd time in the local UBM from July 12, through April 2013. It was constant repeated propaganda, a person is suffering from rejection, the person has to get council, and have the demons cast out of them, the factious want to take over or they have their agenda, the brethren that left are reprobate,a Korah type, a Judas, a Edomite, the brethen are stupid, and the demons are stupid. It was like the worship service we were gathering in Jesus's name. But when the manchild and bride teaching started it was like another spirit, and the brethren fixed on David, like he was a idol. You can not judge, only mature elders could make judgement. David never taught the brethren, Jesus Christ said, to make righteous judgement. I was there two times between Nov. 2010 and April 2013. Read Acts 2:47; in the KJV or ASV,..And the Lord added to them day by day those that were saved. Read what the KJV states, no one has been saved in my short time with UBM in TN. Those still with local UBM in TN can not discern the difference, even the new apostle or elder since Sept.2011 can not discern yet? Souls are getting saved else where, and becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. David's notion is the manchild will lead the way, and souls will be saved from the lost people or the in the light brethren still in the apostate churches. I do not recall one message in tongues or one intpretation of a message in tongue when I was there in local UBM in TN. I did hear some strange interpretaion of dreams, like Dominion of the Bride, Predator Ministries (no descrition) conquered By Love, 1-18-13.. two women behind front desk, one chinese, and the other looked hispanic (foreigners)Then Reprobation of the Unfruitful, David Eells-4-23-13..Then here comes Bill Clinton... his son showed up, he was effeminate and Asian( those who are perverse and foreign to the True Church(UBM) I understood him to be a bastard child that Bill had out of wedlock, as he was obvius Asian, but he too pretended he was legitimate, and no one except me (David Eell) could tell the difference. I had already left local UBM in TN 4-19-13. God is not in racist or sexist intpretations like this from UBM. I came to the conclusion David does help people in giving. He controls and manipulate the brethren. And David really does not fear God all the time, and he changes God's words to mean something else. He also did not rebuke those that sined before others, so that all may fear, including himself. Even the under apostle and elder ask David's friend about the sin he commited? David's friend would not say what his actual sin was, without going into specific detail. David did not tell his friend to answer the apostles question? David earlier selected his new apostle and elder. David runs UBM the way he wants. If you speak the truth or about his false teachings. David with his new elder, and friend will do a quick Mat.18:15-17; on you, and put you out his church. (local UMB in TN or the greater UBM) David will also tell you have no forgiveness base on his opinions. Since David keeps railing or repeating himself like before. This is another step, and I have a obligation to warn others of David Eells. The Holy Spirit is to teach or lead you, not David Eells.
ReplyDeleteAmen! It's interesting how the dreams and even the Manchild doctrine itself are not giving glory to Jesus Christ, but to the people in UBM or its leadership...a lot spiritual pride is in that. I really did not see it at all until I left...I'm glad to hear you do. UBM idea/doctrine/ group identity is strongly re-enforced by the dreams...not unlike many other religious movements that started through supernatural sources and over dependence on one teacher/leader/founder. Thankful that the Lord is having mercy and rescuing people from the UBM deception.
DeleteIt was Sun. June 17, 2013, I was not thinking about David Eell's earlier and the prophet I contacted months earlier did not contact me either or after. I had a dream and I appeared before David Eells. David looked real angry at me. We did not exchanged any words. David was dress in a white shirt with the patch with the capirtal letters on his shirt sleeve: A.S.G. He was wearing a tan color pants. The dream ended. Later I ask some brethern to pray to get a interpretation. Could this be meaning David is: Against Sovereign God. Brethern do not let yourself be deceive or be led astray by man.
ReplyDeleteMost of the former elders that David E. appointed left UBM in 2011 because David can not be corrected or David E. does not fear God all the time. Most brethren do not know the other side to David E. and have not labor enough with David E. to know the real truth and the mixed teachings of David E. If you idolized David, you are spell bound. Read 1 Tim.6:1-4; This describes David E., he did not obey or do Mat. 18:15-17; on April 19, 2013 in Madisonville, TN. With the witnesses there, David E. explain the opposite and did the opposite of Jesus Christ's written words. David's tactic is to turn matters to you with his favorite verses to counter you, to manipulate the brethren to his thinking. David E. is the elected apostle of UBM and even new subordinate apostles are under David E.. You will discover about David E. in due time if you on in local UBM IN tn for a season. Just now and then visiting you will not discover the real David E.. He will have to answer to God in Eccl.12:13-14; There is no escaping unless David E. really repents. Most brethern in the greater UBM group do not know the real David E. and his mixed teaches, and so on.David E. is the cultic leader, that wants brethren to follow him, and not Christ. The brethren in UBM are just followers of David E. I am for the truth, not against the truth. UBM is not the only church group on the earth. Since David E. has been in TN where are the souls added to UBM church group that should be saved? read Acts 2:47; I do not believe the Lord is adding to the UBM church in TN. Maybe David E. records will report differently. There is nothing wrong with witnessing. There is no past or present fruit of souls saved. David is banking on the last 3 and a half years in the tribulation period, when the manchild will do God's will according to David's teachings.
ReplyDeleteDavid E.'s manchild and bride teaching is a mixture teaching and that is not the pure words of God. Believers and obeyers have to be for the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. David E. is number one in the UBM group. Beware you be not control and manipulated by David E. David E. is the my servant David, in the song Days of Elijah. David E. needs to repent and fear God all the time, and not fear God when David E. decides to do so. Much is require of David E. anyway being a teacher.
ReplyDeleteFalse teaching should be reported. There is no need to do a Mat.18:15-17; in this matter. The local UBM church in TN, with the other apostle should deal with David E. relative to Mat.18:15-17; but they will not do so. Because David E. is unaccountable to anyone below him or any other Christian apostle or elders.
ReplyDeleteWow thank you for writing this, David Eells is a con artist and cult leader. Since my mother joined his group he has brought nothing but misery and headache into our lives. Currently her UBM bible study group has an adulterer and gay man (both of which are living in sin). Also don't even bother with the hecklers that comment on your posts, they are just David's cronies trying to drag you down.
ReplyDeleteUnleavened bread is susposed to be sincerity and truth, read 1 Cor. 5:8;, note verse 7, brethren are susposed to be are unleavened. It is the false teaching of small manchild group or bride larger group. False teaching is not sincerity and truth. Christians know the death, burial, and ressurection is the gospel, read 1 Cor. 15:1-2; You will end up believing in vain following David Eells interpretations of scriptures and missed out all the written words of God already written. Note David E. obsession with manchild and bride new teachings. Brethern need to do Jesus's words and doctrines. David is reporting since 10-11-13, a dream by a female that reported manna was falling from above behind David E. and Paul R. Written on David E. web site, the bread behind us could mean the Word, we have spoken in past audios that people feed on, confirmations of UBM. The "true" word of God, the "real" Gospel. David E. uses a educated guess now to teach others or could mean, or using your finger to point to a verse, for God to speak to you, than speaking within you? You will be spending more time in David E. special teachings, ways, and thoughts. And not in God's ways and thoughts or the Holy Spirit teaching you. David E. knows the sum of God's words are truth. But David E.does not rightly divide the word of truth, or he will not do certain twist of verses, or avoid certain verses. The church body in TN witness this done on April 19, 2013, and other past dates.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your experiences... However, What you are describing is no less than slander.. I understand that we are to bring correction "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction." 2 Timothy 4:2 But if we are going to use the word accountability we need to understand what God says about it. We are ONLY accountable to God
ReplyDelete.“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12
" we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that
every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. ... Romans 3:19
"...Instead, we speak with sincerity in the Messiah's name, like
people who are sent from God and are accountable to God. ... 2 Cor 2:17
"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed
before his eyes, and He is the one to whom we are accountable. ..." Hebrews 4:13
Here are at least 3 scriptures that clarify Who we are held accountable to and that is God Himself. I notice when people want to impress on others that we are held accountable to others its often bc they want to rule over or control people. This is very dangerous as it is a spirit of anti-Christ. I listen to David Eels and so do my friends and I can honestly say that those who receive his teachings of faith are the most gracious loving people ive ever met. I have worked in ministry and been around all kinds of 'church folk" and never been embraced with such love and growth. Nor have I personally ever heard anything that goes against the Word of God come out of his teachings. So please excuse me for kindly saying that you should be careful how you speak against Gods people who lean on His Word to walk as the disciples did and not mans traditions. I should also say that you are using one account of casting lots and saying bc it was in there only one time that it is not valid? Then I would think you would use that same thought about Ananias and Sapphira to say that it only happened once so its not valid... just a thought . be blessed
Paul named names: 18 This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my [o]son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you fight the good fight, 19 keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to [p]their faith. 20 [q]Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan, so that they will be taught not to blaspheme ( 1 Timothy 1: 18-20)
DeleteSomeone not knowing about David E. would have different opinions about David E. If you listen to David E. on the broadcast weekly, you are just subjective to his false teachings. Not objective after knowing David E. for 12 years or less. He does have another side. He does not fear God all the time. It is not slander when David E's does teach false teaching. He does twists God's written words like Mat. 18:15-17; to mean something else. Read in a bible concordance the word judge, judging, and so on, and how the word is used. David E. mainly teaches no judging, unless you are a mature Christain or elder apostle. You do not know yet David E. can not be corrected. Try that and a Mat. 18:15-17; will be done on you with 3 witnesses that go along with David. E. One exception is, you can correct David E. by a dream, but not with God's written words like the past elders of UBM did in July 2011. It is true David E. controls and manipulates the brethren in local UBM in TN. David E. is teaching now the manchild and bride large group. If you are not the bride, than you belong to the harlot group now. David E. no longers use the church of God, and twists God's written words to mean oppositely. If you give monies to UBM, and a love offering to David over a period of time. Later, if you tell him the truth. He will change on you. After he helps you with money later. David E. will say you rewarded David E, with evil, after David E. did good to you by giving you money. That you are curse, not humble no more, you have no forgiveness, have a demon,etc. The experinces I witness are true. Brethern in local UBM still idolized David E. I have other matters I have witness in the past about David. One is that David E. did not obey God in Mat. 18:15-17; to do same according to scriptures, and most of the brethren or new apostle elder did not correct David E. David trespass before God publicly, and before the past elders of UBM before July 2011. Remember truth is not slander. If you are a elder in local UBM you have to remain a yes man to David E. David E. does help brethren that have needs. But do not let his good points buy you. He will tell you who he wants, and who he does not want. I know this for a fact. He wanted me to stay in UBM, and the other brother to leave UBM. Reporting the truth about David E. are facts, and not idle words. Yes, all brethren will be judged by God. False apostles, and false teaching should be boardcast. I have to warn others by the truth, no matter others personal opinions.
DeletePeople can be gracious loving people, as you report. But you have not discern the false teaching coming from David E.. David has added, and taken away from God's written words. Have you notice a type of man child, a type of bride like Ester. Read in Rev. 21 and 22. About the bride, the holy city, the New Jerusalem, and so on, read slowly, it is all written for you to compare, you do not have to by David's faith by random, by pointing to specific verses for God to speak to you. The Holy Spirit is susposed to speak within you, and the Holy Spirit is to teach you or give you revelation. Are you susposed to be led by the Holy Spirit or David, a man. David came out with his teaching to the listeners, for them to make a educated guess? No where in the Bible is there David's teaching. How can you go by the pure words of God and join with David's teachings that are mixed, which makes false teaching or leaven teaching. What David has been projecting is really leaven, and you know David will keep saying a little leaven leavens the whole lump. If you follow David on the broadcasts regular, and visit sometimes in Madisonville. You will not find out about the other side to David E. since you have not labor with him to know him.
Deletethe numerous witnesses to the words and actions of David Eells is not slander. But I have heard David Eells slander others and have personal emails from him in which he has. I am a witness to him lying as he slandered and falsely accused other elders, and David Eells family life and marriage disqualify him from ministry.
ReplyDelete-if you refuse to "refuse him" and "avoid them" that do these things, and these matters are established in the mouth of many witnesses, then you err in following David rather than the true manchild, the Lord Jesus.
A man's first ministry is his family. Both David and Michael have abrogated their responsibility towards their family and allowed their marital bonds to be broken by alienating themselves from their families by rationalizing that they are doing God's work when at the same time breaking their vows to cleave to their wives.
ReplyDeleteIt is going against scripture by enabling an unrepentant sinner. Plus, you can't do business with a known liar.
We should never rely on dreams and visions as our first priority for our direction from our Father. We should not even seek that for direction. Our first priority for direction from our Father should always be the scripture and dreams should only confirm or be a witness to scripture as the Father wills.
As only personal witness to a man's behavior can substantiate sin, a dream of that man's sin should only be used as a personal warning. When we lean on the scripture for guidance, we are more apt to hear from the Holy Spirit negating the necessity for us to rely on dreams, visions, and random words of faith (finger pointing in the bible).
If we lean on dreams, visions, and random words of faith for our guidance from our Father claiming that is His Holy Spirit, we will cease to hear from the Holy Spirit and become totally reliant on dreams, visions, and random words of faith.
When David Eells accused one elder of sin, David relied entirely on dreams for his accusations. That is accounted as dung for David articulated his right to do that using scripture. Amazingly, David relied mostly on the Old Testament.
He wants to know who supports him and who don't. And those who don't get an attitude adjustment as you well know. And with David, there is no room for disagreement. As told many years ago, "It is either David's way or the highway." For those who choose the highway, consider that an act of mercy by our Father.
David has told brethren to take their monies out of their bank accounts in the past years due to reports on the internet. I did this two times in the past. With the most recent reports of end times events. Do not be surprised David E. telling you to join up with local UBM in TN, as to avoid the great tribulation period of 7 years, in the ark of safety. Then when matters are not like what David E. keeps telling you. You will be struck with brethern that idolize David, traveling to and from will be restricted due to martial law. It would be wise to be led by the Holy Spirit, and not David E. The dreams sent to David E. are questionable, and David E. interpretations are far out, and even racist or sexest a few times. David E, needs brethren to keep UBM afloat or on going. David's books are not the replacement books, for the 66 books already written. David preaches judgement will come to teachers teaching falsely. Yet David does not apply what he teaches opposite God's written words that he also will be judged by God. David's other teachings do not line up with God's written words. Jesus Christ said, it is written, others said, also it is written. David claims this is a type or that is a type Especially in the old testament books, faith by randum, pointing to a verse where God is directly answering them. David E. is not going by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. David is going by his notions within his mind. David should know God's ways and thoughts are not like his ways and thoughts. A number of months ago after April 2013 I came to the conclusion David does not fear God all the time, after I noted various matters about David, and I included how David hid matters from the local UBM body that he said or did with the former elders. David did not tell the real truth. David claim UBM would be taken over and he would have to step down, in one men's meeting David claim there would be 12 man child leaders. But David had no elders with him, except later when Paul R. became the new elder appointed by David I think before or after Sept. 2011. No former elder wanted to take over UBM. One bro. was not on either side, but was on Jesus or God's side. I saw and heard David tell others in local UBM to watch that bro, who left UBM in peace later. I left UBM in Oct. 2011, and again in June 2013, after what happen in April 2013. David is a false teacher, false apostle, and a false prophet in claiming his words, as he broadcasts on the internet. The issue is David's false teaching, not a personal issue. I still pray for David, and others in UBM locally, and on the internet where ever. David reported last by e-mail I commited a crime, or I am not forgiven like he is a Catholic priest. Robin blasted at me and told me to not write her back after blasting me with what she had to write me in the month of May 2013. No one can go against the truth, but be for the truth instead. David is the leader of UBM, and David has his cult teachings opposite God's written words, with David's interpretations. Which makes David's teachings leaven or sin, a small lump leaven the whole truth. Now for some time LBM, not UBM.
ReplyDeleteBrethern believe and obey the written scriptures. We all know who the head of the body, (there is no manchild after Jesus Christ or separated bride believers) the church, read Col.1:12; only saints. ..his body's sake, which is the church, read Col 1:18; Recently David E. claims there are only the harlot group and bride group. There is no written bride group outside the church, the Body of Christ. David E. different teachings of manchild and bride group is David's opposite fabrication of God's writtens words according to David's opinions, types, mainly uses O.T. verses, and some N.T. verses to twist or corrupt the word of God. read 2 Cor.2:17; UBM teachings is not all sincerity and truth, read 1 Cor.5:8; Think slowly how can truth mixed with David's error teachings? The leader of UBM David E. is in error or fault, and brethren that idolized David are deceived, and self deceived. It is another Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel, Brethren are taught to practice faith by random chance or pointing to a verse they are reading on were taught before according to David's indoctrination, you get dreams included, and David gives the interpretaion mainly. They cast coins to get a answer from God, yes, no, or let God have a way out of answering you. No one goes by God's still voice within or according to every word that proceeds out of God's mouth, read Mat.4:4; If you listen to the broadcasts notice David teaches and he snickers, his half supress and usually disrespectful laugh; sly or silly laugh, smother gigle, to laugh in this way or to utter with a snickering laugh on the Wed. or Sun. broadcasts that go out on the world wide web as David teaches his version of God's written words. David snickering is not proof he is speaking the oracles of God, read 1 Pet.4:11; Recently David reported stepping on a snake that died, is prophetic now? Be not many of you teachers, my brethren, knowing that we (David E. included shall receive heaven judgement, read James 3:1; ASV. ....be not many masters, (teachers) knowing that we shall receive greater condemnation, read James 3:1; KJV. All this time David does not apply this verse to himself. I can only warn the brethren or the lost about David's false teachings, not be self deceived also by David's leaven teachings. The reader must decide or judge themselves.
ReplyDeleteJust read read Rev. 21:1-17 and Rev. 22:14,19; It is all written down for you to read, understand and obey. You do not have to go by the people listed in the book Ester or go by David E. opinions, interpretaions,etc. .. the holy city Jerusalem...out of heaven from God, note Rev. 21:2; the tabernacle of God is with men, he shall tabernacle with them, and They shall be his peoples, note Rev.21:3; ..to a mountain great and high, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God,..her (the holy city Jerusalem) note v.14; the city, note v.15, the city, note v.16, the city again, note v.16, the city, note v. 18, the city, note v. 19, the city, note v. 21, the Lord God the Almighty is the sanctuary there of, note v. 22, the city, note v.23, the Lamb is the lamp, note v.23, into it, note v. 24, again into it, note v.24, into it, note v. 27, Then in Rev.22, into the city, note Rev.22:14;, and ,,the holy city, note Rev. 22:19; Why can not David read,understand,teach or obey the written truth of God's written words, without his opinions, and so on. David is the leader of UBM in TN, and made himself a cult leader, deceiving brethren that follow him. My heart desire was to go out and forth in ministry. When I found out the other side to David E, I had to leave local UBM, and report the false teacher, false apostle, and false prophet that David is, and what practices David did. Pray for David E. that God give him repentance to the truth, and that he recover himself from the real enemy, that is Satan, and his demons. David E. claims brethren hate. There is no hate with brethren in Christ. David's past reportings in past 2011, and 2013 are not accurate or true, David controled and manipulated brethern to go along with David's wishes, and plans. He cast coins by himself, and with other brethren, so he could moved in with a married couple. After 8 months living there, with three other men believers, what happen or reported proved community living was not possible. Which was susposed to be base in the book of Acts. There are matters that David E. hides from the public, and the internet community. But all matters are naked before God, and David E. can not hide from God. All will be judged according to their works good or evil.
ReplyDeletePraying and hoping for all involved to be set free- from the top to the bottom!
ReplyDeleteGood point- Jesus is the ONLY head of the Body. Not a "manchild" or a more holy group within the Body. One Body, One head, one spirit in all. Eph 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.
ReplyDeleteCombatting Cult Mind control by Steven Hassan...is one resource I recommend. You'd be surprised how many other cultic groups have a similar script. It was eye opening.
ReplyDeleteIf you review the recent programs, David E.is claiming the dragon people desire to devour the Bride, come out of the Mother and assemble with Bride through holiness.You will see remarks speaking in different mathematical, terminologies and equations instead of speaking in tongues, my finger landed on Psa.91;12, my finger was on Mark 15;46;, fell on Zap.3:5; The signs that came this mathematical speech.
ReplyDeleteBeware of the half truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong truth. It is a better witness to not allow false teaching and a false gospel to go uncorrected and unchallenged. The apostle Paul himself public denounced false teachers by name, without first going to them in private doing Mat.18:15-17; After all, how can one privately correct public false teaching? It can not be done, and that is exactly why we are to public point out erroneous teaching once it has been promoted in books,tv, radio, websites, and other public forum. Refuting their public false teaching. Point out their illegal handling of the scriptures. David Eells false teachings that are expouded in public forum are subject to rebuke, analysis and criticism, Jesus named names, as did the Apostles. There is no shame in getting the facts straight. Because there is no shame, condemnation, etc. in the truth, truth is confidently convered. Truth is the light for all to see. Your and my allegiance is to the truth. David Eells has skillfully fabricated the out of Bible special teachings of the manchild and bride , and so on, with the concept of UBM. Which is leaven teachings not sincere or truth. He is reporting the woman is the Mother now, and the bride is only holy now. David E. is a one man show, secondary apostles, and all others are still under him, and David has the preeminence, and he will casteth you out his church (UBM) group.
ReplyDeleteRead Mat. 16: 6-12; You have to beware of the doctrine or teachings of the Pharisee. (even the twisted teachings of David Eells that does not line up with God's written words.) Read Isaiah 55:8-9; Does David Eells words or specific UBM teachings line up with God's thoughts and ways? You be the judge, read John 7:24; Do not go by appearence or types, shadows or the opinions of David Eells. Remember judge righteously. The leaven is David's false teaching that he claims is unleaven, opinions and truth does not mix. David's interpretations are given to answer his smaller 12 manchild leaders and larger bride group church, the David manchild group. He is wanting to make disciples to himself, and to keep supporting the UBM ministry. If present UBM members followed the Holy Spirit. They would not be following David Eells. The present UBM members still are pointing fingers on specific verses for a answer from God, a faith by random, casting coins, and confirming by casting coins through brethren in UBM, like when David moved into a already rented house in TN. The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The gospel of David Eells is not the manchild, bride, and so on, that David skillfully made up and taught others, that are deceive by David, and self deceive themselves. I still pray for David, and the UBM members and elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteIf the reader will review the UBM broadcast on Sunday Dec. 8, 2013. They will read and understand how David Eells does not abide in the teachings of Christ, hath not God:read 2 John 1:9; David Eells abides in the fabricated teachings using God's words out of context. He will quote words like does not abide in the teachings (David's specific teachings) David leaves out the two words of Christ. He will talk about the good gospel. But it is David's fabricated gospel than the gospel of Christ. Note David comments on the naked tares, and who the naked tares are, the brethren that report David's false teachings. David comments on various verses in Mat. 13: But he does not share Mat. 13:38-39; the tares are the sons of the evil one: and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: David gives his opinion, and does not preach or teach the whole truth. A good gospel does not leave other matters out. He talked about his teaching of generational tree of righteousness that Christians are susposed to have. David compares God to a man breaking his horse in beating until the house is down, and only looking up. People can be beaten, and lose consiciousness or go in a coma. David forgot brethren can only walk in the light they have, as Jesus is the light. The heart of God is his thoughts and ways, It is not the thoughts or ways of David's opinions or how David fabricates God's written words to David's specific doctrines and teachings to appear as unleavened, the pure word of God. Note the times that David again snickers while he is teaching or preaching? Note how David skiped various verses in Mat.13: as he is addressing people on the broadcast. David might removed this broadcast 12-8-13 before other people notice also or judge David's teachings or doctrine. Just like David will stress about obeying God. But on March 19, 2013 David did not obey God's written words of Mat. 18:15-17; There were more than 3 witnesses of David's disobeying God's written words. David explain himself away, claim the accused did not repent. David sined before God. My complaint was his false teaching. David sinned toward Michael Y. earlier. Every word was not established. What was said or done was just to put out anyone that spoke the truth to David, put out the local UBM church in TN.The past elders confronted David with Mat.18:15-17; in July 2011. It was to no avail. David would not humble himself even before God or the brethren in the July 2011 church meeting. David said other matters to the brethren to control and manipulate. Which cause the brethren to go along with David against the two elders in the July 2011 meeting. God is going to judge the secrets of men, even David Eells, by the gospel or truth written in God's written words. I have been writing blogs to warn brethren and the lost about David Eells false teachings, even more dangerous applying God's written words to David's skillfully opinions. I can only warn, everyone has a free will. You will read and brain wash your minds with David's false teachings, than God's pure words already written.
ReplyDeleteHow do I list my name or email address on your web site? This web site does not belong to me, and you would want control on your web site first. If the reader just asked questions or review the subject matter. They would in time find out who I am. I think I should not be anonymous all the time. I am just reporting the truth. Check back with me at: Chung Lam Sr. at: ticklemanfrank@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for offering to be a contact person Chung.
DeleteDavid Eells used the word atrocities and claims he and Paul Rimel are witnesses to the dreams of atrocities to the Bride and Church. I have not met any actual Brides in local UBM in TN during the 2 time periods. we lived in TN. David reports no true or factual atrocities. David is just being slandering, reporting falsely. David knows he is going to be judged by God's words anyway. And about David Eells railing, note all the descriptive words he uses against brethren that talked with him face to face in the past, brethren that tried to correct David Eells in the past and presently. He is sly to not report actual names. I notice he is still railing on the UBM broadcasts repeatly after leaving UBM in April 2013. I do pray for David Eells that he repents before it is too late for him. I can only tell the truth after discovering the other side of David Eells. I can not compromise with David, or deny the truth. I did not join up with UBM so David would be my mentor advisor, or be one of the brides or few man child leaders, and then go out in gospel teams. I was at awe that David did not obey or do the words of Jesus Christ of Mat.18:15-17; not doing the 3 steps, but did according to his opinions, Michael Y. did not repent. So step 3 or verse 17 was not needed to do. David was judge, juror, and did not let the brethren in the assemble judge either. Neither did David do what judgement of what God wanted done relative to Michael Y. in April 2013, or the July Mat. 18:15-17; meeting? Two or more were gather in Jesus's name. Of course, David wanted no one to over rule himself. It is true David helps the poor. But I can not compromise David helping us to deny the falseness of David or his false teachings. God will reward David for good works. But David not fearing God all the time or teaching false teachings is not good, but evil.
ReplyDeleteIf the reader views about 12 minutes of the UBM broadcast on Wed. April 30, 2014 they will see that David Eells teachings do not line up with God's wriiten words. David claims she (Esther) was a joint heir, read the truth of these 9 scripture verses; Rom.8:17;, Gal.3:29;, Gal.4:7;, Tit.3:7;, Heb,1:14;, Heb.6:17;, Heb.6:18;, 1Pet. 3:7;, Heb.11:7;, David an heir of God through the bride, in Gal.4:7; it is written an heir of God through Christ. David claims not everyone is a joint heir, we giving the position but we( David included) do not all attain that position in Christ. David will claim the queen is a joint heir with the king, right? He suggest and ends with the word right, so you will agree with him true or not. Just like Jer.39:10; David takes the words, the poor of the poor as his interpretation," I m going to call them the bride". David uses the poor in spirit written in Mat. 5:3; as the poor in spirit are David's bride group, to follow the coming man child leaders coming to TN after the great earthquakes take place. Relative to Est.5:3; David claims king Ahasuerus is the king of kings and offers half of his kingdom to queen Esther. Howevere, we know already Jesus Christ is the King of kings already. The truth will set you free, those that are spell bound by David Eells, and his fabricated special teachings mixed with truth and error. David claims Jesus as Lord, but will not obey or do Jesus's written words as compared to July 2011 incident and April 2013 incident in local UBM TN. David would not repent, but wanted more time to prepare his Mat. 18:15-17; matter. However, David knew a brother would not repent to his claims of faults or sins. But David gave him no time to prepare his Mat. 18:15-17; matter. Instead David threaten to have the brother arrested by the polce authorities in TN. David Eell's life was not endanger like Paul in the book of Acts with 40 men that would not drink or eat until they killed Paul in the book of Acts. David quickly cast the brother out of local UBM fast. Myself and others were a witnesses.
ReplyDeleteThose who have questions or no peace about UBM teachings go to broadcast Wed. May 28, 2014 and hear David Eells repeated performance in words. He claims when the manchild leaders arrived to local UBM in TN, they will select the elders. David Eells has turned against Paul R. that was host to the UBM telephone conference meeting on Tuesday and Thursday night meetings, making various claims against Paul R. and claim Paul R. was never ordain by him. (David E.) again it is dreams against Paul R. like others in the past before. This broadcast might be deleted later as damage control. It is 2 hours of programing of David's words and method of operation. If God ordained Paul R. to be prophet recently, why should David react differently? David is a one man ministry, and others must obey and follow him.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry for Paul. It is a painful and traumatic experience to be shunned and rejected by a group in which you have invested so much. But this is the pattern at UBM. People are shown favor and if they deviate from 100% loyalty...not to Jesus Christ ...but to DE and his personal doctrine....they are given the boot.
DeleteIt's not YOU Paul- you're in a spiritually abusive toxic place.
Please feel free to give him this email. Breadoflife888@gmail.com. I can pass on some good resources to heal from what he's experienced.
Thanks for your post and comment. It's a very wicked pattern, but unfortunately it's what "high demand" groups do- even Bible based ones.
FREEDOM!!!!! When JESUS sets us FREE we are FREE indeed. HALLELUJAH!!! \o/