Friday, August 10, 2012

Dialogue welcome

Dear UBM friends,
I am happy to dialogged with anyone from the ministry provided it is done in a safe and mutually respectful manner.

I am choosing to remain anonymous as a form of self protection. I know your ministry has the ability to send out emails to hundreds of people and speak to hundreds via internet. 

There has been a pattern of people being attack on air and by email, who have not had the ability to defend themselves, nor even present their perspective. I have researched many of these and found out that the persecutions, were indeed unfounded - and out of biblical order.

 So- you are welcome to speak to me via this blog- which is a public forum.

I have no aught, offense, or bitterness against David or anyone else at UBM. 
On the contrary, I care very deeply for all of them. God knows the prayers and tears I have shed for you.

Two  thing that will not be tolerated:

1. Personal attacks against me. 

2. Long dreams accusing other people of sin. 

Other than that- honest questions are welcomed.
You don't like this blog? 

You're welcome to express that opinion as well.

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